SAP Tutorial: Complete CAP Java Part 9

Brian Heise
10 min readAug 19, 2021


Handler Setup, Event Lifecycle Phases, and Context Objects

Photo by Damian Zaleski on Unsplash


This is Part 9 of my tutorial series about developing apps using SAP’s CAP framework for Java. In this series we’re learning step by step how to rebuild SAP’s CAP Java sample application, an app for running an online bookshop. So far we have been working on building a page for browsing the books in the bookshop (code can be found here). This is what we’ve made so far:

Our progress so far

And below is what we’re building. Currently we’re working on implementing the Add Review button, marked with a red rectangle.

Our target application (our current goal marked in red)

Last week we defined a custom action using CDS. This action will be triggered when the user submits a review through our Fiori Elements app. Today we’ll look at how to define the logic for this action using a service handler written in Java.

Step 1: Setting Up the Service Handler

Our first step is to set up our boilerplate code for the service handler. Let’s start by creating a folder called handlers in srv/src/main/java/toadslop/bookshop/ and inside it creating a file called

Folder structure

If you set up your environment correctly, then a basic Java class boilerplate should already be generated in the file:

Java class boilerplate

The first thing we need to do is get access to the standard event handler functionality by implementing the CDS EventHandler interface and to provide the Component annotation from the SpringBoot framework, as shown below:

Initial imports: Component and Event Handler

With these we’re almost set up, but there’s a problem: CAP doesn’t know which service this handler belongs to, so even if we write some logic, it can’t be triggered. We need to use CAP’s ServiceName annotation and provide it the name of our service as a String.

Using the ServiceName annotation

As you can imagine, though, using a String literal as an input is a little bit dangerous — after all, we can’t easily see if we made a typo. Luckily CAP automatically generates some files for us from our CDS that can help us out here. Open the srv/src/gen folder to check them out.

Generated Java files

As you can see, CAP generated a catalogservice folder that contains Java interfaces generated from our CDS files. These provide us a type-safe way of handling our service. For example, open and see what we find inside:

Contents of

Notice the property CDS_NAME — it’s the name of our service as a string. Because it was generated straight from our CDS, we know that it matches correctly, so we won’t have any typos. Let’s go ahead and use this instead of the string literal from before:

Using the CDS_NAME property from the CatalogService interface

Now our service handler is ready to receive calls on the CatalogService and process them. You can confirm this by starting up your server and looking for the following output:

Next let’s add a lifecycle method!

Step 2: The ‘On’ Lifecycle Method

CAP provides three lifecycle methods to help us manage our services — Before, On, and After. You can probably guess from the names, but Before is for handling preprocessing of the request, for example checking authorizations, On is where the actual database query should be carried out, and After is for postprocessing, for example setting up the values for a calculated field. To keep things simple, we’re going to start with just implementing an On handler. The following is the basic setup for one:

On handler setup

What we see here is the On annotation, which is used to designate that the following function as an On event handler. We designate it as public since CAP will need to call this function from outside the class. Finally, we give it a descriptive name. Note that the function name can be anything — CAP doesn’t use the name to link it with the function defined in CDS.

If we try to start the application as it is, we’ll get the following error message: Failed to register handler method 'public void toadslop.bookshop.handlers.CatalogServiceHandler.addReview()': No event definition in annotations or arguments.

This is because for the On annotation to work, we need to tell it when to run — or more specifically, under what conditions it should run. We can do that by passing in some attributes to it. There are four possible attributes that can be added: service, serviceType, event, and entity. We need at least one but we can use as many as we want to target our function to run in as many or as few situations as we need. You can read more about these attributes here.

The service annotation isn’t necessary because we already defined that with our ServiceName annotation. You’d only use that one if you wanted an event written in one service handler to be triggered by an event from a completely different service. serviceType is a bit over our heads now since we haven’t considered the different types of services in a CAP app (we’re currently working in what’s called an Application Service), but suffice to say if we wanted to respond to some event that occurs in another type of service we’d specify that here. The entity parameter is used to specify which entity we want to trigger the action on. And finally, the parameter we care most about: event.

CAP has a number of pre-defined events that correspond to the basic CRUD events (with a few extras), but when we create a custom action or function CAP registers that as an event too. We simply need to provide a string containing the name of our action as shown below:

As you might have guessed from Step 1, though, CAP provides us with an automatically generated file that contains the name written for us so we don’t have to worry about any typos. Look in the gen folder to find it:

And the content:

There you see it: CDS_NAME, just like before. Let’s use that instead.

Now we can start up the app with no problem. In the next step we’ll learn how to test our new action using a REST client.

Step 3: Testing a Bound Action

Before we start writing the logic, we want to be set up to test that logic, so we need some way to trigger our action. You may recall from earlier posts in this series that we used the REST Client addon to VS Code to test the CRUD actions for our Books and Reviews entities and we’re going to use it again here. Before we move over to our test file srv/api-test/cat-service.http, let’s add a println to log Triggered the action! to the console when the function we wrote is called.

Now back in our cat-service.http file we need to prepare our request, starting with the endpoint. For bound actions in oData V4, the syntax is as follows:


So to test this let’s just get one id for a book and plug it in so we get the following:


Now we just need to package it up as a POST request and provide a JSON of the input data, as shown below.

Note that the keys for our inputs need to match the inputs that we defined in CDS in the previous post of this series.

Now, if we click Send Request and check the console, we can find our message logged:

However, you’ll also noticed that we go an error: No ON handler completed the processing

This might seem confusing since we did successfully define our On handler, as our console output shows. However, CAP requires a handler to finish with an explicit declaration that its processing completed successfully. We’ll look at how to do that in Part 10 of this series; for now, let’s dive into the context object.

Step 4: The Context Object and Its Properties

So we have our action setup and ready for our logic, but as usual, we have a problem: Where are our inputs? How can I get the ID of the book since it’s not an input? And how can I fix that pesky error from the last section? All of those problems can be solved by the context object.

Recall that when we specified the event for the On handler, we used AddReviewContext.cds’s CDS_NAME property. As you may have guessed by now, there’s a lot more that this interface can do than simply give us access to a string. To get access to the context, we simply need to provide it as a parameter to our function and CAP will pass in the appropriate data automatically.

Now we let’s get started on processing our inputs. First, we need to extract them from the context. Take a look at the AddReviewContext.cds file and you’ll see the following methods:

They’re getter and setter methods for our inputs. Let’s extract them and print them to the console to confirm.

Next we need the Book ID, but this is a bit complex and requires it’s own section to explain, so let’s skip over that and instead learn how to turn our values into a new Review.

We saw earlier that when we define entities in CDS, CAP creates type-safe interface for us to use. We can use that now to create a Review object and populate it with our data.

First we import the Reviews interface, then we instantiate a Review object using the create method. Next we can use getters and setters just like before to populate the values:

Let’s print it and see the result:

The last thing to do here is just to clean up the code a little. We declared some variables that we immediately put into our Review object without any manipulation at all, making the declarations somewhat unnecessary. Let’s just put them directly into the Review without the intermediary variables.

Now we have our basic object, but there are still a few things left — getting the ID of the parent book, actually saving this all to the database, and returning the value so it can be displayed directly in the UI. Unfortunately, we don’t have time to go over those today so I hope you’ll come back next week to learn those steps!


Thanks for checking out this tutorial. This time we learned how to define an Event Handler in Java and link it to an oData service, how to set up an On handler and link it to an Action defined in the service, how to test that action using a REST client, and finally how to use the context object to get access to the input values. Next week we’re going to look into how to extract the parent Book ID from the context, how to save our new Review to the database, and finally how to return that value to the user. Stay tuned!

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Brian Heise
Brian Heise

Written by Brian Heise

Full Stack web developer employed at Liferay Japan

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